Fear is your biggest enemy. What is fear? It's an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
A little fear is good, it keeps you from doing things that you may regret, but it also keeps you from doing things that may benefit you as well. Most people have at one point or another suffered from fear of failure which is quite normal. It is the fear of success that can be the most harmful and critically paralyzing. How does this fear work you may ask? It works like this, you come up with a great idea then you tell a few people about it and you are instantly met with negative feedback. This is when fear steps in and takes over in the form of that little voice in your head that continues to spew loads of negativity. "You can't do it, it will never work, your not smart enough" These are some of the things fear begins to tell you and sadly more often than not you believe it and don't even attempt to take action on that idea. Overcoming this fear is crucial to the success of any challenge you take on his is where the power of positive thought can be your biggest strength .The only way to get past fear is through courage. Have the courage to say to yourself "I can do it, I'm smart enough, this will work for me". Change that mental conversation with yourself, seek out people who listen to your idea and encourage you to follow you dream and even have positive advise for you. For every nay sayer you come across take a second to step back and analyze that individual. What are they doing, what have they accomplished, what makes their opinion valid? It's pretty much like taking relationship advise from a person who has been divorced 5 times. The moral of the story, don't let fear stop you from moving forward and being your best you. You will never be successful with out failure and you cannot fail if your to scared to even try.
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